If you are the leader of a big design group, then it often gets tough to track all the works performed in a day. This is where InVision steps up.

Small startups or even larger businesses use Trello for efficient communication and sharing projects. But, in some cases, it gets truly tough to keep all the work done, and especially to browse something you have actually produced a couple of days or weeks ago. The entire purpose of InVision https://www.invisionapp.com/blog/live-embed-bring-your-design-anywhere/ is having the ability to easily find what you are searching for with just copy – pasting the code.

When you have clearer context about your project, you can focus more and do better choices. When the entire group experiences the same, it climbs into new possibilities and unlimited actions of success.

Introduction to InVision – The tool that changes Trello-ing

InVision deals with Trello in an extremely easy method. It enables quicker collaboration and getting things carried out in no time. By just embedding the prototype to Trello cards, you will have an organized method of going through the tasks. Likewise, lifetime preview of what others are doing is also possible.

Although this project was recently launched, it got really popular in a couple of days. Now, worldwide businesses are using it, because let’s be real – it saves time and frustration of not having the ability to discover what you are looking for. If getting lost throughout boards occurs to me, suggests it happens to you as well. From now on, InVision will save us time “Sherlocking” through the boards.

How InVision Fits in the Whole Picture

InVision is an actually vital part of Trello because it allows conceptualizing ideas, and makes a sort of wireframe – mockup hybrid. From there you can start rearranging your boards, see what you need and what you don’t. Personally, I find it quite inspiring because now I can interact better and I can quickly find exactly what I am looking for.

Recent comments of the founders

Given the fact that the Atlassian Summit ended up a few days ago, the creators of InVision – Clark Valberg – and Stephen Olmstead – are eager to know what type of combinations would help you in your project.

Salespeople, designers, entrepreneurs, writers, photographers and basically every other person is entitled to give his/her opinion.

When you are prepared for e-mail, this is the address you are looking for: Stephen@invisionapp.com.